

Meet the Board

Meet the Board
encouraging empathy for other life
MLP Team in Morocco
Advisors in Morocco

Empowering youth, women, and communities through literacy, education, and sustainable livelihoods
​​In the rural Maasai Mara of Kenya, we transform the most disadvantaged schools with quality libraries and learning resources, provide scholarships for needy students, bring literacy to the youngest at the village level, fight for an end to period poverty, and run a Women's Work Center providing Income-generating livelihoods to Maasai women for the first time in their lives. In Morocco, building upon our legacy program of the first English libraries at public schools in the rural south, we expanded to indigenous stories and nationwide writing programs for youth, elevating voices previously unheard.

Emerging Voices
February 2025: Our 3rd anthology of short stories by young Moroccans is in print! What better way to inspire literacy in the next generation than to give young people a platform to speak their mind, tell their stories, and share with the world. Imagine the excitement when they see their words in print. Our goal is to nurture and elevate young voices rarely heard, with emphasis on rural — whether essays about life challenges, creative short stories, or retellings of oral tales almost forgotten.
We are thrilled that two of our young writers, Ghizlane Derouich and Rim Berrada, were honored with the Costa Goldex Young Writer's Prize at the Marrakech English Book Festival in January! Thank you Costa Coffee!! Learn more.

Stories from the Field
"The Women's Work Center is not just a physical space. It is a symbol of hope and change. It reminds us that together, we can create a world where women are celebrated and empowered."
~ Hellen Nchoko, Manager of the Oliveseed Women's Work Center