

Meet the Board

Meet the Board
encouraging empathy for other life
MLP Team in Morocco
Advisors in Morocco

"Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world."
~ Nelson Mandela
by resources, we mean to knowledge... resources... income-generating meaningful work... clean water
students each year in rural Maasai Mara who now have access to learning resources through quality school & village libraries
community members who have access to clean water from
students each year in rural Morocco who now have access to learning resources in English through 45 school and youth center libraries
rural youth from marginalized communities who have become writers, with 75 published so far
students in rural Morocco who now have access to learning resources in English each year
extended families supported by women working in income-generating activities
students performing above averfage... accepted at top high schools... 100% MGLS
sanitary kits distributed to girls... 200 aitong 250 event
solar libraries in home... 48
filtration kits in homes and schools... 30?
trees planted... ?? with student involvements
first in famileis to go to secondary schools, avoiding marriage
solar powered
many of the things we do are the 1st of their kind... pilot projects, our approach is commnity learning, led by Moroccan teachers in rural locations or local community members, pilot project, iterate and improve, scale...
1st library & youth center inside a Maasai manyatta
Olomoncho Village, Maasai Mara
FIRST English library at a public school in rural Morocco
"The Purple Library," Erfoud (later scaled to 40+)
FIRST comprehensive school library at a public school in the Maasai Mara
Talek Primary,
FIRST public English library in rural Morocco
Access Language Center, Biougra
FIRST science lab at a public school in the Maasai Mara
Maasai Mara High School, Aitong
FIRST solar libraries in homes
mara girls
FIRST latrines in the Mara built for people with mobility disabilities
FIRST solar lanterns for readers
manyatta and primary libraries
mara girls
how these scaled... impact... eg scaled moroccan libraries...
impact is not just numbers... important is the effect that a program has on people... how does it transform lives
testimonials from mlp

"I have taken part in many interesting English Language Teaching programs nationwide. Morocco Library Project, though, is exceptionally different; its impact can be felt in our students’ mindset and behavior. MLP’s impact has gone beyond improving English to boosting students’ critical thinking, creativity, self-confidence, and motivation. MLP to me is that abundant source of hope, inspiration, and love. Students from underserved areas are giving more importance to reading as the real engine of change."
~Ali Amhal, Biougra, Morocco
English teacher, Ibn Sina High School
Founder of the Access Language Center